Insurance Licenses

Massachusetts Health Plans is privately owned and operated by RM7 Services, LLC and Joseph Leto, a licensed agency and agent. Invitations for applications for insurance on Massachusetts Health Plans are made through an agent only where licensed and appointed.

Joseph Leto - National Producer Number 19907913


License #

Alabama 3001312366
Arizona 19907913
Arkansas 19907913
California 4127845
Colorado 691880
Connecticut 2724317
Delaware 3001311225
Georgia 3423452
Idaho 850045
Illinois 19907913
Iowa 19907913
Kansas 19907913-0
Kentucky DOI-1135005
Louisiana 937460
Maryland 3001311261
Massachusetts 2150789
Minnesota 40741634
Mississippi 10756149
Missouri 3001311163
Montana 3001311270
Nebraska 19907913
Nevada 3671641
New Hampshire 19907913
New Jersey 3001311147
New Mexico 19907913
North Carolina 19907913
North Dakota 19907913
Ohio 1361997
Oklahoma 3001311275
Oregon 19907913
Pennsylvania 1002908
Rhode Island 3001311121
South Carolina 19907913
South Dakota 40595853
Tennessee 3001309077
Texas 2670700
Utah 849835
Virginia 1237326
Washington D.C. 3001311194
West Virginia 19907913
Wisconsin 19907913
Wyoming 465525

RM7 Services, LLC - National Producer Number 19954493


License #


Alabama 3001361522 12/31/24
Arizona 3001361514 6/30/25
Arkansas 3001361510 9/30/23
California 6005197 7/31/23
Colorado 697040 7/1/23
Connecticut 2729440 1/31/24
DC 3001361512 5/31/23
Delaware 3001361519 2/28/25
Florida L113668 N/A
Georgia 219187 12/31/24
Idaho 858569 7/1/23
Illinois 3001361545 5/31/25
Indiana 3686682 6/30/23
Iowa 3001361677 5/31/25
Kansas 863985680-000 6/22/23
Kentucky 1141065 3/31/25
Louisiana 918545 3/31/25
Maryland 3001361533 6/22/23
Massachusetts 19954493 11/5/23
Michigan 133581 N/A
Minnesota 40754534 10/31/24
Mississippi 15041112 5/31/25
Missouri 3001366713 6/25/23
Montana 3001361559 N/A
Nebraska 3001361655 4/30/24
Nevada 3685394 7/1/24
New Hampshire 3001361674 5/31/23
New Jersey 3001361628 5/31/25
New Mexico 3001389079 2/28/25
New York LA-1674921 6/30/23
North Carolina 3001361726 3/31/24
North Dakota 3001361563 N/A
Ohio 1370149 9/30/23
Oklahoma 3001361590 6/30/23
Oregon 3001407202 7/31/23
Pennsylvania 1010818 7/6/23
Rhode Island 3001361598 5/31/25
South Carolina 3001361624 1/31/24
South Dakota 10028438 6/24/23
Tennessee 3001361679 3/1/25
Texas 2686479 6/22/23
Utah 858204 6/30/23
Virginia 151602 5/1/25
West Virginia 3001364585 6/30/24
Wisconsin 3001361642 2/15/24
Wyoming 469184 6/30/23

Before you go...

One 15 minute call can save you money on your health insurance!

 (866) 670-4993